PC Extra 10
PC Extra 10.iso
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Text File
405 lines
Agile HTML Editor Information: WHATSNEW.TXT
Copyright (C) Compware 1996-1997
Last updated: 19 May 1997
This file describes the features introduced in this and previous version
of Agile. You can discover the version of your copy of Agile by opening
the about box using the About Agile command (Help menu).
As you can see, Agile is regularly updated to keep up with the latest
features of HTML and to add new features to help you create great web
sites with ease.
v1.00 beta build 9 (16 July 1997)
* extended "HTML awareness" to support HTML 4.0 (W3C draft 8-July-97)
* right-click tag menu now supports all HTML 4.0 tags and attributes
* added support for thirty tag event handler methods
* added "Event Handlers" submenu to the right-click tag menu
* added commands for inserting new HTML 4.0 tags
* added tag event handler support for IE3 and Netscape 2 and 3
* printing and print preview support added
* new file menu commands: Print, Print Preview, Print Setup
* fixed double line spacing when previewing <PRE>...</PRE>
* added missing WRAP attribute to <TEXTAREA> for Netscape 2&3
* removed spurious STYLE attribute from various tags
* fixed accidental edit of attribute value in a nested tag
* stopped insertion of anchor into tmp preview files
* added option to set the number of temporary preview files
v1.00 beta build 8 (26 May 1997)
* added a command to save selected text to a Snippet file for re-use
* new templates/snippets now appear on menus without restarting Agile
* added Go To Line command
* fully indexed and cross referenced the HTML References:
- W3C HTML 3.2 Specification
- Internet Explorer 3.0
* added five toolbars to the main Agile and HTML Help windows
* added toolbar which lists HTML topics and tags for easy access
* added toolbar listing topics related to the current HTML topic
* added toolbar for navigation back and forward between topics
* added support for Internet Explorer 4 (works quicker than with IE3)
* now use a minimum size when showing undocked HTML help window
* changed undocked HTML help window so no longer "always on top"
* added Tag Lookup toolbar for quick tag lookup in HTML references
* added HTML reference toolbar to control the HTML Help Window
* added choice of "Default HTML Help Reference"
* added support for Internet Explorer 4
* disabled scroll preview feature which is unreliable
* fixed some errors in the indexing of HTML references
* fixed occaisional failure to restore size of HTML ref window
* fixed script error when previewing files containing <SCRIPT>
* fixed occasional failure to reload preview in Internet Explorer
* fixed Context HTML Help to work when Agile is maximized
* fixed a number of problems with HTML help window interaction
* made license key installation tolerate spaces around key string
v1.00 beta build 7 (22 March 1997)
This was a restricted update to beta 6 which was made available to people
who had problems on Windows NT related to the HTML context help.
* fixed HTML context help support on Windows NT
* fixed bug where "insert snippet" marked document unmodified
* restored ability to install a license key from a .cde file
* fixed some minor memory leaks due to duplicated elements
* cleared residual undo after loading initial template
v1.00 beta build 6 (16 March 1997)
HTML Reference Information
* added built in HTML references for all HTML tags and attributes
- W3C's official HTML 3.2 recommendation in full (by agreement)
- Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3 HTML Reference in full (by agreement)
* HTML references are accessible using context help (F5) or the Help menu
(Note: viewing the references within Agile requires IE3)
HTML Context Help
* press F5 to get help on any HTML tag while you are editing it
* currently for HTML 3.2, this will be extended to other HTML references
HTML Templates
* Agile now creates new documents based on a default template
* the default template can be set from the File/Options dialog (general tab)
* the "File/New From Template" submenu lets you pick a specific template
* this submenu automatically includes any HTML files you add yourself
* you can easily create and modify templates and change the default
* creating new templates is easy using "File/Save Copy As Template"
* existing templates can be modified using "File/Edit Template"
* sample template files are provided for you to customise and add to
* templates have replaced the "Quick/HTML n.n Document" commands
HTML Snippets
* useful snippets of HTML can be inserted quickly using "Edit/Insert Snippets"
* this submenu automatically includes HTML files you add yourself
* snippet files are provided for common HTML features (to be extended)
Right-Click Tag Menu
* added menu commands to strip HTML tags from selected tags
* made sure the menu always appears near where the mouse is clicked
Pasting Email Addresses
* "Paste Url" (Ctrl-U) automatically inserts "mailto:" into email addresses
File Menu
* added "Save All" to save all modified files
* added "New From Template", a submenu of all your HTML template files
* added "Edit Template" for easy update of your HTML templates
* added "Save Copy As Template" for easy creation of templates
Window Menu
* added "Close All" to close all windows, prompting to save changes if appropriate
Help Menu
* added the "HTML References" submenu for access to built in HTML information
* added the "On The Web" submenu to open key online resources quickly
Edit Menu
* added "Insert Snippet" submenu for quick insertion of useful HTML from files
* added "Insert File..." so you can quickly find and insert text or HTML files
* changed default preview behaviour to place browser in front of Agile
* added missing table data tag <TD> to HTML v3.2 configuration
* added several missing attributes to Netscape 2.0 and 3.0 table tags
* added several missing attributes to Internet Explorer 3.0 table tags
* added missing end tag when inserting <MARQUEE></MARQUEE>
* tidied up editing of optionally valued attributes
* prevented occasional insertion of non-valued attributes as ATTRIBUTE=""
* switched the order of height/width settings when auto setting size in <IMG>
* added support for ".html-ssi" files in HTML file selection dialogs
* added support for ".png" portable networked graphics files in dialogs
* using FrontPage to open multiple files in a single Agile now fixed
* fixed possible loss of previewer application path when opening "File/Options"
* fixed occaisional loss of edit menu and duplication of advanced menu
* fixed editing of incorrect value when two attributes have similar names
* fixed TARGET value insertion (were incorrectly in upper case)
* fixed occaisional loss of scroll bars when needed
* fixed occaisional failure to redraw part of the document window
v1.00 beta build 5 (30 October 1996)
Colour Selection From "Tag Right-Click" Menu
* added submenus for quick choice of colour values when "right-clicking"
on any tag which uses colour attributes. Features:
- samples of the colours are shown on the submenu
- ability to include your own custom defined colours on the submenu
- ability to include the standard 16 HTML colours for VGA displays
- quick access to a true HTML palette dialog for 256 colour displays
True HTML Colour Palette Dialog
* added an HTML palette dialog for choosing colours using multiple methods
of selection, with the chosen colour being updated immediately in a sample
area on the dialog:
- click on a palette of the 216 standard colours supported by Netscape
and Internet Explorer on any 256 colour display
- choose from a list of the 16 standard colours supported by VGA displays
- adjust red, green and blue values using sliders
- enter individual hexadecimal or decimal values
- enter the full hexadecimal value
- enter the html colour name
Custom Colour Definition
* added ability to define your own set of named custom colours
- define your colours using the palette dialog described above
- give them meaningful names
- order them as you like (e.g. by colour or frequency of use)
- have them immediately accessible on the colour menu when editing tags
Netscape 3.0 Support
* added tag/attribute insertion and editing for Netscape 3 features including
- multi-column text using <MULTICOL>
- controlling frame border size/colour with new FRAME/FRAMESET attributes
- controlling word and line spacing etc. using <SPACER>
- choosing font names using the FACE attribute in <FONT>
- loading non-inline scripts from external files using <SCRIPT>
- naming the archive file for an <APPLET> (speeds loading of Java applets)
- setting text styles using <S> (strikeout) and <U> (underline)
"Send To" Support
* added ability to include Agile in the "Send To" right-click on file menu
* if a shortcut to Agile.exe is placed in the "Windows\SendTo" folder:
- right click on a file and choose "Send To/Agile" to edit the file
- if multiple files are selected, "Send To" will open them all for editing
- if Agile is already running, it will be activated and will open the files
without starting a second copy
Drop on Shortcut Support
* similar to "Send To" support above, you can drag one or more files from
Windows Explorer and drop them on an Agile Shortcut to edit them.
Single Agile Instance Feature
* a running copy of Agile is now always re-used, so that if Agile is running:
- trying to start a second copy will just activate the running Afile
- choosing "Send To/Agile" to edit single/multiple files will activate the
running copy, which will then open the files for editing
- dragging and dropping single or multiple files onto an Agile shortcut,
will activate the running copy, and open the files for editing
Multi-Level Undo/Redo
* undo and redo now mark the document as unmodified if you undo all changes
* a "*" in the document window title indicates it has unsaved changes
Install Program
* re-implemented from scratch to fix problems with uninstall
* reduced install program size by 300k to 1.3M to speed up downloads
* in future, incremental updates will speed downloads of upgrades even more
* added support to auto-size setting for "progressive JPEG" images
* can now handle command line with unquoted file path containing spaces
* removed ability to exclude/disable "obscure" attributes from tag edit menu
* added support for browsing JavaScript ".js" files when setting source
code URLs
* fixed failure to preserve maximised window position between sessions
* fixed insertion of preformatted HTML to allow newlines to copy and paste
properly into other apps
* fixed failure to edit files when started from Netscape Gold (when file or
path contained spaces)
* fixed sizing of document windows to fit within main window on start up
(when main window is small)
* fixed failure to set text font correctly before initial colouring of new
* fixed failure to preserve some editor configuration settings between runs
* prevented spurious message about failing to set image size when browsing
for .htm/.html file URLs
* fixed missing floating frame tag, <IFRAME>, and fixed menu command
* fixed lack of <FRAME> tag with Netscape 2 HTML support
* fixed intermittant crash when updating preview in Netscape
v1.00 beta build 4
This was a very restricted release with no changes in functionality,
made for the sole purpose of tracking down a software problem, which
has been fixed.
v1.00 beta build 3 (29 August 1996)
Tag Editing
* added ability to set image height/width automatically from edit value dialog
* and as a Tag right-button menu option "Set Size From"
* added support for Internet Explorer 3 and Netscape Navigator 3
* added "bring browser to front on preview" functionality
* added an option to keep "Agile In Front Of Browser"
* improved browser preview ability to "scroll to edited area"
HTML Support
* added Internet Explorer 3 support (floating frames, style sheets, etc.)
Configuration Options
* added options to enable or disable
- automatic setting of image tag h/w when pasting a GIF/JPEG URL into a tag
- conversion of file URL's to relative paths
- conversion of file URL's to lower case
- keeping Agile in front of browser after updating the preview
Windows NT Setup Program
* fixed program menu "Help shortcuts" which were invoking 16 bit help and so
didn't work on Windows NT
* added "Tips on Using Agile" at start up (to be expanded)
* increased width of recent file entry on file menu before it gets abbreviated
* added automatic crash logging to aid identifying really nasty bugs
* fixed edit/undo failure to properly undo automatic changes to tag attributes
* fixed edit/undo failure to undo keyboard repeat input in some circumstances
* fixed incorrect disabling of tags matched by "and tags common to all of"
HTML Support settings
* fixed intermittent "out of memory writing preview file" that frequently
afflicted previewing with Netscape
* fixed unreliable scroll to edit region for all browsers
* fixed problem where relative paths (eg for inserted URL attribute)
generated "../CurrentDir/file" instead of just "file" when "file" is in
the same directory as the document.
* fixed paste URL problem which inserted long filename paths in short format
* fixed URL helper dialog insertion of backslash in relative paths instead
of forward slash
* fixed lack of title on help windows
* fixed possibility that install license dialog showing an invalid filepath
and breaking the browse button
* prevented accidental overwrite of file when saving/closing modified files
without a license key installed
v1.00 beta build 2 (Aug 1996)
HTML Support
* added support for Internet Explorer 3.0 (currently beta 1) including the
all singing all dancing <OBJECT> element and some table extensions. (Note
that IE 3.0 beta 1 is too buggy to support previewing yet.)
* added helper diaogs for browsing for file base URLs of various types
including (html files, images, sounds, animations, source code and applets).
* added ability to open and create files referenced in a tag URL using the
right button menu. Works for HTML and non-HTML files (e.g. .htm, .gif, .zip
* added support for .html, .shtml and .sht file extensions in file open/save
* fixed bug which allowed Paste URL between <A></A> but then failed the paste
* context sensitive help
* install program
* added dlls, text files etc to the distribution
* changed the license code browse dialog to reset to keep the full filepath
if the file exists
* fixed license code file type string for browse licenses dialog
File/Options Settings
* renamed the "Editor" tab as "General" to reflect the mix of options it now
* removed excessive browser previewer configuration and moved settings onto
a General tab
v1.00 beta build 1 (27 May 1996)
Syntax Colouring
* extended colouring to different tag types (structure/list/table/style etc.)
* colour highlights non-supported tags
* colour highlights tags with invalid names
HTML Support
* extended to include Internet Explorer 2, Netscape Navigator 2 and HTML 3.2
(the main extensions include tables, Java and Plug-ins, font sizing and
colouring, background sounds)
* HTML support is defined by a selection of tags from multiple
"specifications", that is, by HTML spec or browser support. You can include
all tags from selected "specs" and also a common set of tags supported by
another set of chosen specs.
Changes to "Appearance" (Syntax Colouring) settings (see File/Options):
* enforced single font for text and tags
* improved user interface of appearance tab with colour list etc.
* faster opening of appearance tab and removed the need for richtx32.ocx
* fixed flicker of selection that could occur during background syntax
Changes to Previewing
* fixed Netscape 2 not following anchor to fragments
* fixed Netscape 2 losing content on resizing window
* minor changes to license installation initial file spec
* prevented syntax colouring pause after pasting large selection
* fixed size of edit area that could occur after window becomes maximised
v1.00 beta build 0 (2 May 1996)
First public release designed to run on Windows 95 and
Windows NT, but so far tested only on Windows 95.